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Quality Resource Group

Marketing Intern


Ahead of the Game

I landed my first marketing internship after my freshman year at UST with the company Quality Resource Group. I knew I was ahead of the game getting this opportunity before most of my other peers and I could not be more excited to dive in. Quality Resource Group was a great opportunity for me to get my feet wet in the business world. I think this opportunity at QRG was special, because I got to work right alongside the account managers, account executives, and the corporate team on projects with other clients and on new ideas to help the business grow. I liked that I was given a direction and enough assistance to begin my tasks, but then I had the opportunity to use my own creative abilities to complete those projects. With that, I knew I had actual responsibilities and I knew what I did mattered to the company. Everyone at QRG was so friendly and helpful that it made me feel instantly welcomed and part of the team. I am really grateful that I was given this opportunity to work for Quality Resource Group and I know I gained great experience and expertise that summer.

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